finally finish my trial exam....
juz come back then terus watch movie le...
feel like PMR finish ady....hehe...
2day we juz gt geografi 1 paper onli..
n the paper was start at 10.30 a.m.
coz the malay hv islam paper at 8a.m. to 10a.m.
so at 8 to 10 we all at canteen to do our revision...
bt actually we din really do our revision...haha
read a while then SS(sot sendiri) a while...
after a while no mood study lo...
juz keep talking n laughing onli...
so relax le....wakaka...
2day mag juz tell me,our class juz gt 3 ppl gt A in sejarah...
gt ppl fail somemore...
haiz...hope tat i m not tat ppl.... :S
wanna continue to watch my movie lo... :P